Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Madame Secretary...

What an amazing woman. Madeleine Albright is at Alma College today - and I just shook her hand!

I didn't realize how small she would be in real life. Her impact, however, is - and has been for years - larger than life.

Some fun notes from her q&a with Alma students:
There is no formula for success - work hard and be nice to people!

Madeleine waited in a pink bathrobe for Bill Clinton to call and invite her to be his secretary of state. Comfort is everything - ESPECIALLY on those scary phone interviews (?)!

Her response to a student's self-introduction as a "senior, chemistry major" was, "I can't help - at all!" However, she noted that a diverse educational background (read: Liberal Arts Education!) is critical for international affairs. I would widen that to say it's important for EVERYONE!

And, our small group favorite quote (which she used to end her talk):
"There's a special place in hell for women who don't help other women."

Madame Secretary, first female secretary of state and last secretary of state of the 20th century...THANK YOU for all you have done for us! You are truly a gracious, wonderful woman!


Amy Soper said...

Amazing women come in all sizes. Sounds like an inspiring day.

P.S. Gizmo was attacking a pair of your socks. Watch your step!

Lou said...

Good thing I got those pictures...

I was asked to put my camera away during the evening session - only the press were allowed to take photos.....
