Thursday, March 15, 2007

One of "those" days.

Ever have one?

The days where everything goes wrong. Everything is depressing, frustrating, etc.? Yep. I'm having one. Maybe it's an accumulation of the stresses of the last few weeks, but I'm having trouble explaining it to myself, and I don't like that.

The up-side: Amy and I are sitting here at our favorite coffee shop laughing about it as I keep discovering more things (like missing a deadline) that have gone wrong for me today.

Oh. Another good thing - my neighbor found my cell phone today. Haven't had a chance to talk with him to find out where/how he found it, but I have it back. That's good.

On that note, let me share a lesson for the day, which is a definite positive, if you choose to let it be.

While out walking, Amy and I came upon a bunch of papers blowing across a trail. Unbelievably, it took us about 10 seconds and me saying "should we pick that up?" before we stopped and picked it up.

A bit later when we were walking on a sidewalk, I looked down and noticed that I stepped directly on a piece of paper. . .then took two more steps before I stopped and said, "This is ridiculous. If I can look down and purposely stomp on that piece of litter, I can certainly also pick it up and clean it up, even if I didn't leave it there."

Why is it even a question whether people (or "I"!) will stop to clean something up?

Let's all do our part. It's not about whose job it is. Or who started it. Or what kind of day we're having.

We always have a chance to make the world a better place. Let's make it one of "those" days.

Check out this shirt, modeled by Sean: great message!

A picture of the flooding during our walk:

1 comment:

Amy Soper said...

Duh. I can't believe we actually had to think about whether or not to pick up the papers, but I'm glad we eventually did. Perhaps the good karma from that incident played a part in the nice part of the end of the evening? Hope today is not one of "those" days!