Tuesday, November 6, 2007

"They" made me do it...

I have always sworn that I would NEVER buy a new car.

I'm suffering buyer's guilt as we speak. Or as I write and you later read, as the case may be.

I bought a new car. Brand new. 2008 and everything. Only 10 miles on the odometer when I test drove it this morning.

Let me defend myself:
1. My dad (!) has started to say that I should buy a new car with a FULL warranty (yep, he's had to do a lot of work on my car in recent years, ESPECIALLY over the last two months.

2. After much debate, I decided to get a corolla. Pretty inexpensive compared to larger cars, and better gas mileage (the true decision came when I saw the beautiful speedway blue corolla S at the dealership a few weeks ago, but I DID do some research too!)

3. Well, I tried to buy the above-mentioned corolla (a used 2007 with 5,000 miles - fit both my and dad's criteria!), but the dealer refused to give me a good deal and said (after my extensive legwork, research and entrapment) that he could get me a new corolla cheaper. Oh, except that the new blue one had just been taken in to have a moonroof installed. Add $800.

So. This morning I went to a new dealer. Told them the great "deal" the first dealer had offered. Told them I didn't want to be treated like a dumb female. And told them I wanted the speedway blue version for less.

Out with the old, in with the new. I guess I'll need to slow down, because the cops will see me in this one for sure!

Um. Yes, mom, I was driving 40 miles per hour when I took this picture. And there was traffic on the road. It's not a very good picture, though, so you can tell I wasn't looking through the eyepiece, just at the large display... and one hand WAS on the wheel...


RockStar said...

Way to go! Welcome to the Toyota club! I love my Camry and I'm finding out it's true what "they" say - the outside will give out long before the engine will quit. No buyers guilt! Just don't get a ticket having fun with it. :) teehee

Amy Soper said...

Congrats on the new car! So, when you said you were taking a picture while driving, I had this frightening moment reliving the practice runs of that skill on the way to Indy. Watch out for semis AND for cops. Oh, and if you need granny-driving lessons, you know who to call:)