Lately I've been sensitive about the whole single-approaching-35-with-no-real-prospects-in-sight thing...
(oh. you've already noticed?)
Anyway. One comment that has irked me is the one that follows any single-ness discussion: "You're so lucky though, you can just take off and do whatever you want, whenever you want," etc.
That sounds good, except for that fact that I also own a home, have a full time job - and currently spend about 2 hours a day on the road until I can sell/buy in my new town of employment. Most days lately leave me pretty tired, so I don't feel like I can "just take off..."
However, this weekend, Kay and I did just that - maybe (on my part at least) partly to force myself to realize the truth in that statement. There ARE benefits to being unattached.
At the end of great dancing in Cleveland last weekend, Kay got an email about a dance workshop in Chicago with lessons taught by our favorite new dance acquaintance from California - Gary Ulaner.
At that point of beginning-to-crash-from-dancers-high, we first tossed out the defiant thought:
We should make the trip to Chicago next weekend.
A chance to learn some hustle (a dance with which I have always struggled), a chance to connect with some Chicago dancers I haven't seen in quite a while, and a chance to dance more with Gary. Hmmm.
We talked about our trip tentatively almost every day, beginning Monday:
(Kay) "Are you still thinking about going next weekend?"
(Lou) "Yes...we told Glenn (see post below!) we were coming, and we need to follow through."
By Thursday, fatigue had set in; three long days of working late and the pressure of having my house perfectly neat (read: looking like it is uninhabited) for showings had taken their toll. However, my attempt to back out was ignored:
(Lou) "Wow, Kay, I'm so tired I don't even feel like going anymore... that's a lot of driving for a few hours of dancing."
(Kay) "Maybe we can try priceline for a three start hotel..."
OK, no backing out. I had made a commitment.
So. I started out Saturday morning with the threat of inches of snow followed by freezing rain on my five and a half hour drive. My first omen of the great weekend to come: a near accident as I drove through Edmore and craned my neck to see...SANTA and two of his REINDEER!!
Phenomenal. I've never seen such huge antlers!
Contrary to the weather report, the drive was easy and dry - at least until I reached Chicago, where the winter storm hit with a fury. Blowing snow turned to sleet as I reached the hotel - already late for the first workshop. Kay was smart not to rush me as I shook off the hour-plus of tense driving and changed my clothes.
In the end, the workshops were fantastic - Gary is very articulate in his teaching and has a good flow to his lessons. The evening dance provided a chance to practice our new hustle skills as well as getting in some great west coast swings and even a few two-steps. (Ah. I miss competing. ) And...a late-night breakfast at IHOP provided a very welcome opportunity to get to know a few people beyond the dance floor.
So - I have more favorites to add to our self-portrait series:
Tim (DJ TJ)

Terry (a new Michigan friend)
His phenomenal dancing is matched by his personality. He has a beautiful ability to truly connect with people by giving them his full attention. Truly a kind, fully engaged soul. I love meeting people who remind me that I want to keep "being" better.
Overall: The weekend lesson was successful!
The weekend reminded me that my life is in MY control. I should NEVER allow myself to wallow in the feeling that I'm waiting for something to happen. I make myself miserable when I allow worry to limit me or life's daily stresses to bog me down.
It's GOOD for me to seek out challenges. And especially now, during a period of significant change, I need to reconnect with the things I love, and work to re-introduce them into my new life. I know there will be days when I'm just too tired to make the effort, but I hope I will choose to put the effort in - regardless - on most of those days.
So. I challenge myself to live my life to the fullest. I dare you to do the same. (And please...gently remind me every time I forget the lesson...we all need some adjusting back to course at times!)
Kay and I hit Krispy Kreme this morning. Living life. Even if it clogs our arteries, there is NOTHING like a Krispy Kreme donut fresh off the conveyer belt!
Um. . . .go get your worm?
Hey Lou, Brent showed me your blog and I have to say it has inspired me.
Oops! I accidentally posted only part of it! :)
Anyway...I love your photos and your blog! You have inspired me to start my own
You go girl!
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