Monday, December 31, 2007

English lessons.

Over the past few years, my time between Christmas and New Year's has been a time of intensive bonding (bondage?) with a phenomenal group of friends, the English/Stachowiak family and circle. Christmas is the time when Jason comes home from Colorado, Chad demonstrates his scheduling obsession, and the females practice eye rolls while the guys...revert to their youth.

I am so happy to be included as one of the family.

Tonight's scheduled activity was a trip to Chad and Christy's house for games. The night started off relatively innocently, with Shawn stealing the show! (By the way, Santa, I want one of those tunnels for Christmas next year, please!)

I like playing Apples to Apples... but it's not a favorite with everyone so it didn't last long!
Then, with only English's (spouses & Bizarro/Alethia count!) and me left, things went haywire. I think Chad got the bottom end of this deal. A lesson from the English boys: always be aware of your surroundings (so you don't get jumped)!
The only downer of the night....the Colt's lost. :( At least they're in the playoffs either way!

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