Sunday, December 16, 2007

Snowed-In Sunday...

Or so we thought. It looked bad, and shoveling went slow, so we had church at Renee and Darrin's house rather than daring to try the roads. We were hoping that Gina, Kevin and the kids would have to stay another day with the rest of us, but they left shortly after lunch and had a surprisingly easy drive back to west side of the state.

"Church" was more distracting in this setting. I wouldn't normally take pictures during church, but the opportunities were too interesting:
Jordan checking Darrin's hair for bugs. Or texture. Something!

Mom "resting her eyes" while dad pretends to be mad about my photo taking.

Kay reading from the bible. We're usually a bit more prepared if we decide to hold a family church service at home, but this time we just winged it with the story of Jesus' birth and some christmas carols.

Another photo op. Too bad Kayla moved, otherwise it's a good picture of the kids with Aunt Lou reflected behind.

After lunch, we hit the "slopes" (er, driveway) until the blustery winds blew us back inside.

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