Saturday, March 22, 2008

Really. Great. Experiences.

Amy and I went shopping last night in Birch Run.

Now, I must preface this by saying that I usually don't like to shop. Really. I usually end up feeling:
1. hot, tired and frustrated with my static-y hair
2. bad about my body, and
3. just generally out-of-sorts.

However, in a wierd "I want/need [YOU decide] more clothes for work" mood that coincided with a cancelled date (a cancellation which THRILLED me), I cajoled Amy (it wasn't hard) into a shopping trip.

We started at Ann Taylor, and spent MUCH time trying on MANY clothes, leaving me with a pile being held and Amy with...nothing. Darn. Shopping can be difficult for short people. And flat people. and...

A stop at Coldwater Creek saw me walking out with a jacket that was 70% off (whoo hoo!) and Amy again with...nothing. DARN IT!

Then to BCBG Maxi-something...where Amy was in her element and I felt WAY OLD AND UN-TRENDY. I walked through the store in about 5 minutes, at which point I turned to locate Amy, who was 3 feet from where she had begun. We were there for at least an hour, during which time I DID find some things I kind of liked....of course, trying them on was a different story - they DIDN'T like me. Amy, however, had tough decisions to make and in the end was able to leave with a bag containing a cute shirt.

By this point, at 8:45 p.m., having shopped for 3 hours without dinner, my shopping grumpiness may have been kicking in. I suggested Tim Horton's for a quick dinner. Amy wrinkled her nose and suggested Uno's. Because it was right in front of us, I aquiesced gracefully, muttering something like, "I like their food, I just hope they don't take too long."

Well. Let me praise Uno's now. They provided the first decent cup of coffee out of three restaurant visits over two days and the meal was excellent. So excellent, in fact, that in the midst of chewing a bite of salmon salad with avocado dressing, I said to Amy,

"You know Amy, we've had some really great experiences lately..."

As I trailed off and she stared at me, the thought pierced my tired brain that it had been a, well, wierd moment. We looked at each other and burst into loud laughter that probably annoyed the rest of the restaurant guests.

Fun times.

After additional shopping today I'm somewhat poorer and ready to leave shopping behind for awhile for the out-of-doors.

Happy Spring.

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